
The Old Granary (Viljamakasiini)

The Surprise Guest exhibition on the third floor of Viljamakasiini is accessible. There is a 4 cm threshold at the main entrance. The door is 2 meters wide, and staff can assist at the entrance. Access to the exhibition space is via wooden bridge.

Unfortunately, the Village Workshop installation on the second floor of Viljamakasiini is not accessible due to steep stairs.

The Biennale Shop on the first floor is also not accessible. The floor is level, but there is a 30-centimeter threshold at the entrance. There is a ramp that is 95 centimeters wide over the threshold. Access to the space is via gravel path or by stairs inside of the Old Granary’s exhibition areas.

The lighting on both the second and third floors is dim.

The old Coppersmithy (Kuparipaja)

The exhibition space in Kuparipaja is accessible and located on the ground floor. There is a movable ramp at the entrance, which staff can set up as needed. Accessible restrooms are also available in Kuparipaja.

The path between Kuparipaja and Viljamakasiini is a gravel road and a wide walking bridge over the Fiskars River.

Parallel Programme

For accessibility information about events in the parallel program, please check the individual event pages.


There are no restrooms inside Viljamakasiini. They are located approximately 100 meters away, across the bridge and up the stairs. Accessible indoor restrooms are available at Kuparipaja.